My Yoga Journey
Let me remind you (or in case you’re new here), when I first tried yoga, I hated it. See my very first blog post. Fast forward ten years and I’m certified to teach it. So, if you don’t believe yoga can change you for the better, I’m here to prove otherwise. After completing my 200-hour certification with LifePower Yoga in May 2016, I went on to teach at Life Time Athletic – where I was trained and became a yogi in the first place. At that point in my life, I was trying to do everything, be everything. Oh, and do it all perfectly. Three months later, life reminded me I needed to regain balance, and unfortunately that meant saying goodbye to my teaching job.
But that's all in the past…
I always knew I would go back to teach. I also knew I would get that feeling when the time – the opportunity – was right. Just like I believe everything happens for a reason, I trust gut feelings, and believe in following them. So, let’s talk about the present.
I’m beyond excited to share a little secret I've been keeping – I joined the Power For Life Fitness (P4LF) team as a yoga instructor!

"You don’t always need a plan. Sometimes you just need to breathe, trust, let go, and see what happens."
-Mandy Hale
Peace of Burlap, was created with two passions in mind – design and yoga. So, I’m thrilled my new gig as a freelance graphic designer has allowed space for teaching again. Because designer me sees a yoga mat as a personal canvas. Through my vinyasa flows, I aim to inspire students to be creative and get out of their head because there is no right or wrong way to design our own yoga masterpiece.
I think the clouds from the end of last year have fully cleared (cue knocking on closest wood). Remember, we’re only going forward. Breathe with me…one deep inhale of the present, then exhale the past completely.
Namaste, friends!

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